Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A Simple Way to Make Money While You Sleep.

Hello there… I Hope this article finds you in good health and prosperity. Now if you’re like me you’re always looking out for a “great” income opportunity something to sink your teeth into and make some extra income, aren’t you? Yeah…I knew it. ;-) But before I ramble on let me briefly tell you about myself. I have been working from home part time since 1995 and have learned to keep my ears and eyes open for the just the “right” business opportunity. And over the years I have joined some business’s that in my opinion have not been very successful, but then again, I have always made a profit from the ventures I have gotten into. Over the years I have also been able to identify a few that have allowed me to build huge teams and incomes. Getting into a internet business is all about “timing.” And the time right now is right for this next business that I have just gotten into. It’s one of those “gems” and I would like to share it with you, before the masses hear about it. It will only take 10 to 15 minutes of your time to get a good understanding and to see the potential that’s opened up before you. Just keep reading and I will tell you about something of “real” value .Well, this one has incredible value. This is a Universal Marketing & Management System That Will KICK Your Primary Business Into High Gear and Increase Your Sponsor Rate! And what’s so cool about this one is “I” don’t have to do the overview, and neither will you if you decide to join me in this business. Plus, it won’t take you away from your current business, that you are so passionately building. This system was specifically designed to enhance YOUR CURRENT HOME BASE BUSINESS and help you earn even more money, and help your downlines be successful…plus it creates it’s “own” income stream also. This is one of those opportunities I wouldn’t do the system justice by telling you about it you “GOTTA” SEE IT”. Yeah, I know it sounds like hype but… It’s really not. Again …This is an AMAZING “Marketing / Management” System that gets rid of the last 40 years of hurdles and why more than 95% of new networkers fail. As we know it is largely due to do with the “OLD Techniques” and “Marketing systems” that make the greatest opportunities in history also some of the worlds almost impossible to succeed in. Why do 95% of new businesses fail and 95% of franchises succeed? Because one has a system, and one doesn’t! SponsorDaddy is “Turning the Industry Inside Out and Right Side Up!” It’s something that you can offer to ANY prospect, especially those 90%+ who turn you down on your primary business opportunity, All because there excuse is “I already have a business”. Now you have something that could even benefit them no matter “whatever” business there in. You will notice as the first page loads a virtual lady will start to explain the benefits of getting involved with a home base business this virtual lady will direct you to watch a simple video to reinforce what she has already said about a home base business and perhaps breaking down any prejudice someone may have against network marketing. This system sorts out the tyre kickers from genuine prospects looking for a home based business. . It automatically prospects for like- minded, success oriented people who want what you have! She will direct people to enter their name and e-mail address into the auto responder box. Now that the prospects details are in the system they are directed right to your personal home page. Which you can set up with photos, videos and a story of your life which Introduces YOU as a real person and YOUR “why “you’re involved in a home base business. People Join People - Not Opportunities. This step by step process is done to encourage the prospect to consider your Opportunity or Product. SponsorDaddy will do all the work for you in breaking down the barriers so that the prospect is shown a incredible life changing opportunity, this system will deliver to you, on a silver platter, a prospect who number one, likes and understands this industry, number two, knows a little about you and number three, has seen the company you have chosen to accomplish your dreams! Now time is the most valuable asset you have. Spend it and it’s gone. So here is how it even gets better! Even if that person doesn’t join your opportunity they know they want a home based business of some kind and they will still want and need SponsorDaddy! The Sponsor Daddy Marketing System will also attempt to interest prospects in itself. The specific site they use for this is This is basically the same website, however, it directs prospects to joining Sponsor Daddy as a business or income opportunity as compared to directing them to your number one income opportunity Sponsor Daddy makes it possible for you to earn back your initial Enrollment fee by sponsoring four new members into the program. It also makes it possible for you to earn as much as $10K per week through their Binary Compensation Plan. Obviously, at some point you could potentially earn enough to pay for your monthly plan and make a healthy living thus making the whole system free. Sponsor Daddy is where tradition meets innovation and technology. Talk about a WIN WIN situation! Sponsor Daddy has “married” all the cool technologies, effective tools, success training and proven techniques into ONE incredible, UNIVERSAL business building system that saves you valuable time. This system prospects, automates follow-up, converts leads, sends out messages to the leads that come with the system through the monthly plan, there’s a lot of free stuff for the prospects to down load, you can track your ads even talk to people when they are checking out your site. Theirs video e-mails, capture pages , blogs to get into the social networking structures, assists in training your organization for Massive Growth! There’s so many other things that this system will do that you will have to check out for yourself. To sum this system up, you join and let the system do most of the work for you and build your business so that it will free you up to do the things that got you into a home business in the first place. And that is… MONEY GIVES YOU OPTIONS FREEDOM AND TRAVEL

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